
Scotts flat fishing report
Scotts flat fishing report

Brian was just doing rainbow powerbait on the bottom and Garret had a powerworm and some powerbait on a 1/16th ounce jig head under a bobber. Needless to say they were getting bit so often it was over an hour before they got on their tubes and onto the water.

scotts flat fishing report

While Garrett and Brian are pumping up their tubes they throw out a couple of bait poles. (I didn't take any pictures on the tube cause of the fear of my phone taking a dip so sorry about that). I get one more from the bank then I launch the float tube to get out to some more fish. Looks like hardware is the way to go for me today. I pick up one of my personal favorite trout lures the Super Duper and I stick one on the first cast. After seeing that, down with the jig and time for another lure. I try throwing a jig with a drop of pro cure on it to make it more delicious for the fish, but like Brian I could only get them to follow it, not take it. I walk down later to see Brian still fishless, but I can see fish following his jig on every cast, they just weren't committing to it.

scotts flat fishing report

I stay at the car and just pump up my float tube and get all of that ready. After seeing that Brian grabbed his rod and took off to get one too. He went down and got one on his 4th cast throwing a white crappie jig. about a minute later he comes walking back up with this. I asked Brian where he went and he said he already took his rod down to the water. We arrive at the lower lake (Deer Creek Resevoir) at 1200 and I step out of the car and find a nice looking tree to mark, and as I turn around I noticed Garrett was already gone. We and got my other friend Brian today so I couldn't bring my toon, but we all had a float tube and decided that it would be the perfect way to go today.

scotts flat fishing report

I was talking to Garrett on where to go and my first plan was to hike up the desolation wilderness to hit some of the mountain lakes for brookies, but Garrett didn't like the sound of that long walk up the mountain, so he convinced me to go out to Scotts Flat Lake. I wanted to get out and try for some trout today.

Scotts flat fishing report